Qualcomm方面表示,提出Windows on Snapdragon計畫並非希望與Intel、AMD處理器廠商直接競爭,而是希望能在市場挖掘更多發展機會,讓OEM廠商能有更多選擇,同時也能協助微軟進入更多市場,進而可推動更多Windows 10作業系統裝機量,對於Qualcomm本身也能增加更多發展機會。
至於先前確定消息裡,Windows on Snapdragon計畫採用的作業系統確定為Windows 10 S,而雖然現階段僅採用Snapdragon 835作為運算核心,但未來也計畫導入Snapdragon 845等更高階處理器。
而雖然整體運作效率仍無法比擬Intel、AMD提供x86架構處理器,但以Snapdragon處理器具備足夠文書應用需求的運算效能、更長待機使用時間,以及可常時連網的使用特性,使得基於Windows on Snapdragon計畫的常時連網PC有更大吸引力,甚至OEM廠商仍可選擇採用Intel或AMD旗下處理器,但選擇採用Qualcomm提供數據通訊晶片。
(X)益生菌功效應看「菌株」而非盲目選擇;蔡英傑教授指出,乳酸菌有成千上萬種,其中只有極少數對健康有益的特殊菌株,才能稱為「益生菌」。不同的益生菌株,各自有其特殊功效,如提高精神活性、舒壓助眠、抗發炎、減緩過敏等;事實上就如同維他命A、維他命B、維他命C都各自有其截然不同的生理功效,益生菌也是一樣,不能因為看到都是「益生菌」三個字就混淆。陽明大學益生菌研究中心的菌株庫中,同樣是Lactobacillus plantarum (植物乳桿菌),便分別有降低壓力荷爾蒙、降低發炎指標、抑制壞菌等不同突出特性,不能說都是植物乳桿菌就都有這三種功能。
The summer’s hottest destination for video entertainment is a U.K.-based social media brand called LADbible. In July alone, the viral clips that churn out of its Facebook page were viewed more than 3 billion times.
Although the site is nominally branded around young British men, its offerings hold an oddly universal appeal. On a recent afternoon, it served up videos of a guy accidentally hitting himself in the head with a baseball bat; a pizza being made out of french fries; a dog bathing in a Jacuzzi; a woodworker crafting a salad bowl; a tourist riding a slide down the Great Wall of China and a manatee kissing a snorkeler.
The videos are curated from disparate sources, filmed on smartphones and GoPros around the world, but they all have one thing in common: They’re best watched silently. If they even have sound, it’s completely beside the point.
We are living in the golden age of the silent video. Although we may still pop headphones in to watch a YouTube rant, social media has cultivated its own mute visual culture. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are designed to encourage endless scrolling, and that boosts videos that are made to catch the viewer’s eye without offending her ear with grating bursts of noise.
The clips that spread the furthest online are the ones that can be consumed anywhere without disruption: on the subway, the sidewalk or in the doctor’s office; next to a partner in bed, behind the counter at work or under the desk in class. They’re the ones that allow for private experiences in the most public of places. And in the internet’s global marketplace, they’re the ones that transcend language barriers, instantly legible to viewers in Peoria or Paris.
Tubular Labs, the online video analytics company that placed LADbible at the top of its rankings, has found that of videos posted to Facebook by media companies, 46 percent of views go to videos that are completely silent or just accompanied by music. And in practice, an even higher proportion of social videos are watched silently. Advertising agency BBDO Worldwide says that more than 85 percent of its clients’ Facebook videos are viewed with the sound off.
All of that has given rise to a particular kind of video spectacle on social media, one that is able to convey its charms without dialogue, narrative or much additional context. To entertain soundlessly, viral video makers are reanimating some of the same techniques that ruled silent film more than 100 years ago.